Scale up your business!


I'm Tamás Boczkó, I'm a

Growth strategist

Performance Marketing Specialist -
Landing page optimization / Content writer

I'm using the following platforms to

scale up businesses with

(1) PAID advertisements:

Google Ads (Search Ads, Perf. Max Ads; Youtube video Ads),
Facebook, Instagram Ads

(2) Landing page

Audit, Suggestions, Optimization, Content writing

Is your business:

  • webshop with products?

  • servcie (online / offline)?

  • B2B service / product ?

do you want to achieve

new potential / possibilities

in your business?

I can help you achieve more revenue in your business!


> With PAID ads:

  • choosing the right platforms (Google Ads, Youtube, Insta, Fb)

  • Optimizing different type of Ads on each platform

> With Landing page optimization

  • Audit, Suggestions, Content Writing

The Result?

The Result to me is QUALITY, RELEVANT traffic, which leads to higher CONVERSION!